Awful LED Watch

14/02/2011 11:31

Street Fighter: The Movie: The Retrospective

Looking back at the awful LED Watch Street Fighter flick in all its insane glory.


By: Sean Gandert February 7, 2011


While Double Dragon was the first videogame adaptation to grace theaters in 1994, it wasn't the one that people remembered. Not because it wasn't a memorable experience -- if anything, it was too memorable, just for all the wrong reasons -- but because like the franchise it was adapted from, the Double Dragon film was in every way overshadowed by Street Fighter.


Not only did Street Fighter stay in theaters for more than two weeks, it had a real electronic cigarette studio backing the production, a recognizable star, and a trailer that didn't look like it was for a Saturday morning children's show. As a matter of fact, the best part of Street Fighter is the film's trailers and publicity material. Until its release, though, Street Fighter looked ready to break the pattern of terrible game adaptations and offer something that would at least be a decent action movie.


The upcoming Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will bring with it an interesting new feature called Shadow Mode which will allow you to compete against AI designed to mimic some of the game's developers.


Downloadable content packs are planned for Laser pointer release that will each contain three staffers' teams and AI personalities designed to reflect the way they play the game. Capcom didn't offer up a great amount of information about Shadow Mode, including whether or not these packs would be something you have to pay for. It's not going to be the only DLC available for the game, though -- Capcom has already made it clear that certain characters will be released as downloadable content.


The first pack will be released next month and includes producer Ryota Niitsuma, assistant producer Akihito Kadowaki, and an unnamed quality assurance team leader. A blog teases that more DLC packs will follow "and may feature some personalities you already know."

Ubisoft apple peel 520 today announced the third game in the Call of Juarez series, Call of Juarez: The Cartel. Even with very little known about it right now, it's sure to be drastically different from its predecessors. While still a first-person shooter, unlike the first two games which were set in the Wild West, The Cartel will instead take place in the present day.


"Call of Juarez: The Cartel is an action-packed shooter game with a strong story, interesting characters and a wide variety of gameplay options," Ubisoft marketing director Adam Novickas said in a press release. "The game will bring the best elements of the Wild West into modern times with a very gritty and relevant plot."


Among the locations you'll visit in the game are Los Angeles, California and, naturally, Juarez, Mexico. Shacknews points out that the city of Juarez has been in the news recently; earlier this month, 14 people -- including a police offer -- died in a 48-hour span. Between the game's title and the graffiti in the screenshot above, it looks like the game's ps3 jailbreak story might at least partially have to do with the violence in Mexico which could very well end up landing it some mainstream press.



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