headrest DVD player and electronic cigarette
Depending on perspective, Double Fine's ip camera next downloadable game, Stacking, can either be about a young boy's search for his missing family (and ultimately, his father), or it can be about taking dolls from behind and then having them fart on or punch others with reckless abandon. Project director Lee Petty (art director for previous Double Fine games) and studio founder Tim Schafer prefer to shy away from the latter definition, though -- Schafer's revision: "any doll facing away from you." However you word it, Stacking is ultimately a graphic adventure featuring matryoshkas that stack into each other for distinct abilities.
Like Costume Quest, Stacking tells its story without voiceover -- it even pursues a more stylized approach by purposefully mimicking silent movies; "We set the game in the late Victorian era, up until the early silent film, so we get to have these 'silent film stageplays' as we call them," notes Petty. The intro -- combining film grain, dialogue cards, purposefully herky-jerky animation, and accompanying piano music (some licensed classical pieces, some by former LucasArts composer Peter McConnell) -- establishes the iPad case eight-member Blackmore family. One day, the Blackmore patriarch gets a job as the Baron's new chimney sweep, and leaves for work...only to not actually come back. Weeks later, the Baron's men come to collect the rest of the Blackmore children (save Charlie, the tiniest Blackmore and the player character), and it then becomes up to Charlie to not only free his brothers and sisters, but also find his father once and for all. Along the way, Charlie will fix, sabotage, collect, and fart his way through various adventure game-style puzzles.
A new Dungeons & Dragons game will be coming to downloadable formats early next year, Atari and Bedlam Games announced today.
Titled Dungeons & Dragons Daggerdale, it pits players against the forces of evil as they attempt to conquer the Dalelands. It looks to be an action multiplayer title, though it's not clear how much in the way of RPG elements it will include.
This is the second D&D game to be announced this year, the other ipad screen protector being the revival of Neverwinter. The latter is also a multiplayer title being developed in conjunction with Cryptic. The sheer volume of game releases, both on shelves and onto hard drives via digital distribution, can stagger even the most hardcore gamer. Who has time to check out every game when mammoths like Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, and so forth are taking up most of your gaming time? So of course, plenty of fine titles fall by the wayside while everyone consumes the megahits. For this holiday break, besides contributing money and man-hours to the juggernaut that is Call of Duty: Black Ops, now would be the opportune time to check out this handful (well, several handfuls) of other gems. And if there're any games that you think we (and everyone else) needs to know about and play, go ahead and leave some comments! Yet another leak has sprung from Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification. This time the ratings headrest DVD player board has prematurely outed an unannounced Ubisoft game by the name of Rayman 3D.
GoNintendo discovered the slip-up on the OFLC's website, where the game has been rated PG for mild violence. Given Ubisoft's support for the platform and the "3D" bit in the title, it seems reasonable to suspect a 3DS release for Rayman 3D; the OFLC's database, however, lists the game for multiple unspecified platforms.
Between Rayman Origins and this mystery project, Rayman fans should have plenty to look forward to in the near future -- provided Rayman 3D isn't just another Rabbids electronic cigarette spin-off, that is. We'll bring you the official details as soon as they're available.
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