led watch

01/12/2010 11:46

Week in gaming: Kinect left open, Child's Play, WoW's Cataclysm

from Ars Technica by bkuchera@arstechnica.com (Ben Kuchera)


Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving? Did you drop some cash on great Black Friday deals and now you have iPad case stacks of games to play? Here's what I would do if I were you: donate some money to our Child's Play drive to try to win some very special prizes.


We're already up to $5,000 donated, but it's a long way to go to beat last year's $17,000, and this year we're giving away some really amazing stuff. So dig deep, help some sick kids have some fun, and then dig into the biggest stories of the week. You'll feel good about it, I promise.



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Week in Apple: iOS 4.2 finally lands, we all find our iPhones

from Ars Technica by jacqui@arstechnica.com (Jacqui Cheng)


It's a holiday week here in the US, but that hasn't stopped Apple from releasing iOS 4.2, making Find My iPhone free to some users, and releasing an update for the Apple TV. There are also rumors about the next version of iOS and talk about Android stealing some of Apple's ad dollars. If you came for the weekly ip camera roundup, you're in the right place.


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Week in tech: TSA mania, worst tablet ever, gadget gifts

from Ars Technica by jacqui@arstechnica.com (Jacqui Cheng)


Adam Savage: TSA saw my junk, missed 12" razor blades: Full-body scanners? They may see you naked, but they aren't seeing large, scary razor blades. Adam Savage of electronic cigarette Mythbusters explains.


Worst gadget ever? Ars reviews a $99 Android tablet: The Maylong M-150 tablet beckons to consumers from the shelves at Walgreens: "Buy me! I'm only $99!" But what comes in the box isn't worth the LED Watch headache that comes with it. Ars took one for the team so that you don't have to.





